Another bio? You would think by now I would just copy and paste these things, but then I have to decide which one I like best enough to paste here, and if I'm already a writer... I may as well write. By title I am a work-from-home-dad, running a freelance writing business called ArcticLlama, and building sites as a web developer and then filling them with words. After that, it is pretty much all family all the time. I know that sounds trite, though based on my experience I don't possibly see how. When I'm not chauffeuring or cheering something, we are crossing off bucket list trips before the oldest gets to choose whether or not they come with us. What's that?
Oh! The writing. Sorry about that. I spent several years as a computer systems engineer and architect back in the IBM Global Services days and was a Micoroft Certified Systems Engineer (MSCE) back in the Windows NT days, so while there is some dust on those, I've been writing about tech ever since.
After the computer times, I became a Certified Financial Planner for several years and I've been writing about it ever since too. Both were all before departing for the aforementioned work-from-home gig racking up years of experience in parenting, travel (with children), skiing, playgrounds, driver's education, balancing checkbooks and more. If you need it written, I can write it.
Or you are certainly welcome to just read what I have here.