New To Being Fat

Brian Nelson
2 min readSep 8, 2023

I spent 44 years doing no exercise other than what I did for fun. Even as these dried up, my body settled on a little bit overweight, but no big deal standard weight. I might vary a bit from week to week, but in the end, I had what I naively thought was a belly. That belly fit nicely in normal sized pants, in between the arm rests in stadium chairs, and in between the back of the booth and the table… without touching!

All of that changed in 2021 when for some reason my body put on 50+ pounds in a matter of a few months. My doc cut the one med that was known to maybe cause weight gain, but it didn’t help. So, here we are a year later, and this being fat thing is still kind of new to me.


OK. I’m heavy. Technically, obese (but not morbidly obese, so yay?) Anyway they offer programs because my triglycerides are high and my LDL and HDL aren’t right, but I am not prediabetic. That means there are no more meds and what remains are “lifestyle choices.”

Now, for those of you who are particularly thick, they mean I need to eat better and exercise. They are not wrong. I am far too sedentary, and food is my love language, antidepressant, and motivator, all in one. If I lose weight it will be exercising.

The rub here is that there are “programs” that can help. They include things like, coaches, exercise routines, and most useless of all, dieticians. It’s like my kid says when the coaches tell him to swing the racket differently. “I know WHAT to do. I just can’t DO it.”

Spare Me the Same Old Rhythm

Same. I don’t need a dietician to tell me that carrots have fiber and less calories per blah, blah, blah. I know how to make salads. I know how to use less oil and choose white meats, and buy the fake chickpea tortillas or whatever. I just do not do that. No rehash of the data will change that.

I read these dumb things and they say that fruit is too high glycemic this, and too many calories that. As if. No one in the history of mankind has ever gotten fat from eating too many strawberries. If you got rid of the other stuff and kept the strawberries, you would be fine.

Anyway, I will commit (again) and hope that this time some stuff sticks. If I do ANYTHING for the next two weeks, THEN I’ll worry about what is in the exercise for people over 40 books I have. Until then, spare me your motivations and low-calorie replacements for sourdough bread.



Brian Nelson

I'm a freelance writer and owner of Arctic Llama, my writing business.