What Is an Arctic Llama?

Brian Nelson
Aug 19, 2023

An arctic llama is the coolest llama there is.

Less esoteric, THE arctic llama is me. Don’t ask. I’m still coming up with a good origin story.

Arctic Llama Images

I have Midjourney, but I haven’t really broken into using it for much yet. However, every once and a while I actually come up with something I like. Something cool enough to be arctic. (Dorky? Yeah, I know. That’s why it is here out of the way in the corner of the internet where I’m posting my random Midjourney “successes.”)


An arctic llama standing on an arctic plain.
Yeah… not so much

I asked for this one to be in the style of Matisse. Not bad considering I didn’t really give it much else to work with.

Matisse Arctic Llamas

Alright. Getting back to work. Don’t worry. I’ll be back. I’m always back…



Brian Nelson

I'm a freelance writer and owner of Arctic Llama, my writing business.